
Reliable, affordable energy

BSJI was pivotal in supporting Lindsayca CH4 Guyana’s $759 million project for the Government of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana for the construction of a natural gas liquids extraction plant and a 300 MW power generation facility that will provide clean, stable and affordable energy to thousands of families and businesses in the country.

Guyana’s consumer electricity rates are among the highest in the Latin American and Caribbean region, and the project will provide the government with the flexibility to cut the cost of power by more than 50%. Further, by replacing imported heavy fuel oil natural gas will significantly reduce emissions and more than double capacity, reducing outages.

Lindsayca CH4 Guyana is a joint venture between energy solutions company Lindscaya from Houston and the engineering and construction company CH4 Systems based in Puerto Rico.

Large scale efficiency

Leveraging improvements in technology and know-how, a large Brazilian contractor became the beneficiary of a $519 million financing trust funded by BSJI to replace several gas compression trains for oil production using artificial lift.

The improvement in efficiency was critical to the projects and a key element in the end customer’s further plans to better manage sustainability goals. Recovering and injecting gas associated to oil production creates less emissions and an more environmentally friendly production process.

Responsible oil production

BSJI provided a credit facility of up to $270 million to a national oil company for projects with the specific intent on recovering associated gas from oil production which would normally be flared and using it for improving oil production through artificial lift using compressed gas.

The projects financed were able to achieve a reduction of hundreds of thousands of cubic feet of natural gas being released and burned every day. Although much more work needs to be done, the impact was significant and provided a clear path for further improvements in the industry.